
This blonde bombshell Goddess welcomes you to Her lair… Your flesh, mind, and spirit will become a canvas for My voracious appetites and lust for control.

As a Lethal Seductress and Consummate man Ruiner, Ive always enjoyed imparting torment to the droves of men who’ve followed. Enchanting, ensnaring and defiling My victims has become like ritual to Me. Yes, I relish in reducing you to man mush before My very eyes…

My petite, tight yet busty physique and striking doll like visage bring men to their knees effortlessly. However it’s My diabolical intelligence, creativity and ability to penetrate the male psyche that break them completely.

A gift for hypnotic control, predicament scenarios, intense training, mind bending tease & denial, limitless humiliation, famously perfect feet, and weaving inventive role plays are definite strengths. However, I’d be remiss to say I have a specialty- I excel at all I do.

My experience is vast- with 14 years as a professional Dominatrix extensively touring the US, Asia & the Middle East. I was trained the first 2 of those years at a top Chicago dungeon before branching out as an independent.

With an approach that is never predictable, nor formulated. My “style” is subject to the mood and scene at hand. I am a Woman of spontaneity, and I feed from the moment. Yes prey…feed. Therefore I believe the basis of a great scene is chemistry, regardless of the activities we engage in.

There remains one trait always injected into My scenes- INTENSITY. Im an intense Mistress who never fails to penetrate your core. One who possesses the innate ability to see into the very depths of what makes you tick…and push those very buttons which drive you over the edge.

Our roles will not be confined to the beginning and end of our session time. I’m authentic and I play for keeps…